Community — Caleo Capital


Everything is connected, amongst ourselves and the universe. We depend on sharing to achieve our individual and collective goals. Our community is diverse and open, reaching out equally to those less fortunate, those who inspire, those who are aligned, and those who challenge us.

Caleo supports many initiatives to improve our world, including Columba Leadership Academy, NIROX Arts Foundation, Cradle Community Foundation, Project58, The African Olive-Leaf Project, nature conservation, and more.

womvest launch at “and then there was fire…”

Through collaboration and co-creation, Caleo supports the launch and development of Womvest, an innovative mentorship network and platform for female professionals and entrepreneurs. This platform continues to grow and expand in partnership with Caleo, Secha Capital, BlackBrick, Dazzle Angels and WomHub.



Our team supports progressive and proactive conservation projects in South Africa. Through land rehabilitation and rewilding, we hope to enable natural processes to repair damaged ecosystems and restore degraded landscapes.

eco-hives installation with artist and beekeeper, nicholas hester

Caleo partnered on the “LIVE BEES!” project that promotes environmental awareness and regenerative beekeeping. With artist and beekeeper Nicholas Hester, 10 uniquely-designed eco-hives have been built at Project58 as part of an ongoing series of installations, workshops and exhibitions. Watch the bee colonies settling into the eco-hives, here.


Caleo at NIROX

NIROX Arts Foundation and the NIROX Concert Series are supported by Caleo and attended by our community of clients, friends, investors and families. Take a glimpse at recent concerts, here.


Caleo at the African Olive-Leaf at Project58

Caleo joined the quest to find a lasting and viable solution to land degradation and poverty in the communal farming areas of South Africa by planting an olive grove in the Cradle of Humankind.

Women in business hosted by Caleo

We are committed to diversity and inclusion, with an emphasis on gender and race. Without mandates or prescription, we have built high-potential talent and future leaders that are truly representative. We continue to build and balance a collective of people that are not defined nor labelled but rather recognised by a passion for their impact on the world.


Columba Leadership Tree Planting with DHL

Caleo joined PlantNation and DHL delivering on a very special promise, to plant one million trees around the planet. 500 mixed indigenous and fruit-bearing trees were planted on the grounds of the Columba Leadership Academy and Nirox Sculpture Park in the Cradle of Humankind.

Caleo at the Cradle Community Foundation

Initiated by the 58 collective and friends, Cradle Community Foundation was founded as a response to the anticipated eco-social issues that would be faced by the underserved communities living in informal settlements within the cradle of mankind upon announcement of the Covid-19 pandemic and lockdown.


Caleo at the Threads of Healing Lunch with Dr Ela Manga, NIROX Arts Foundation

Our team connected with Dr Ela Munga of Breathwork Africa at the “Threads of Healing” lunch at NIROX.

With mindful breathwork, deep conversations with wisdom keepers, doctors, artists, storytellers, entrepreneurs, fact-finders, activists and visionaries, we support this practice that brings awareness to the voices who have answered their call to heal and discover a new way of being, here, in Africa, the birthplace of humankind.